17 Amazing Innovative Ideas that Impressed the Design Industry

01. For people who like to shop alone, these baskets are ideal.

02. Knee-activated faucets at an Italian supermarket.

03. Seattle’s manhole cover features a city map on it.

04. Skateboard parking with locks.

05. This keypad randomly generates the numbers each time, preventing someone from deriving the password from your hand gestures.

06. The stairwell includes a ramp for people with disabilities.

07. kitchen drawers that are sized to fit in the corners.

08. Depending on whether or not you want the flight attendant to rouse you up for meals, this airline sleeping mask has different sides.

09. There is a wheelchair swing on this playground.

10. This fence also functions as a bench.

11. MIT architecture students designed a solar-powered soft rocker recliner.

12. A bike hanger that saves space.

13. With this honey strip power solution, you may charge as many gadgets as you like.

14. There is a machine at this airport that will print out free short stories for you to read while you wait.

15. This Japanese toilet refills via a sink on the top, allowing you to rinse your hands and reuse the water.

16. This parking lot provides a free breathalyzer, so you may check your alcohol level before driving, just in case.

17. Trash cans in Copenhagen are inclined so that bikers can throw trash while riding.

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