11 Stunning Architectural Drawings Prove that Hand-Drawing is still Alive and Well

Venise – Italie
Format : 43 cm x 60 cm.
Pure watercolor painting on Arches paper cold pressed 356gr.

First layer of acrylic going over the watercolor base. Building on the contest. Florence painting.

On the right side of the city we have a basic layer of color wash. On the left side we have the color wash and three more layers of thicker acrylic adding textures and details.
Work in progress ~ using a Pigma Micron 001 archival ink pen.

The Kings Library London.

Dark Alley, Tourtour, France.

Spinolapad, Venlo.
Eglise Saint-Eustache.

Musée du Louvre.

Back in Munich, great to get the easel out for some larger work. –
New Town Hall,
Munich, Germany 🇩🇪 Prints will be available in September –
Duration – 5hrs
Paper – Archés HP 300gsm
Pens – Copic Multiliner + Micron 0.05, 0.1

“Does anyone else use their watercolor pencils like this? A glimpse at my current coloring technique. Work in progress on a new shopfront scene.”

La Villa Carioca
Format : 50 cm x 70 cm.
Painting of the Geraniums
Music : Herbie Hancock « Chameleon
Pure watercolor painting on Arches paper cold pressed 356gr.

La Villa Carioca » Maisons-Laffitte – France
Format : 50 cm x 70 cm. Painting of the trees.
Pure watercolor painting on Arches paper cold pressed 356gr. Painting of the trees on the left of the villa.

Nikita Busyak: Creator of Glowing Archisketch technique.

Drawing Like an Architect: Tips and Techniques from a Real Project
Throughout the world, there are so many unbelievable constructions. If you are more curious, here are the 31 Most Amazing And Unusual Buildings from around the World.